Shree Sharda Sharnam Geeta

This holy book is a compilation of Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang-"Geeta"from Hindi to English. It is a treasure of Satguru Shree Dimaa Bhagwan's experience and learning in spirituality.

My revered Satguru Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan, I bow to you.
I, Dimaa, used to wonder that why Lord Shree Krishna does not exist in my life? I loved Lord Shree Krishna the most, and also loved the fate of great warrior Arjun. I used to think that why I wasn't born as Arjun, with Shree Krishna in that era. I have loved Lord Shree Krishna's sacred scripture 'Geeta' a lot, but I never used to understand it. Neither I experienced it, nor was I able to comply it in my life. The meaning of the words of Geeta "I am the one everywhere" was beyond my understanding.

Number of questions arose in my mind, but from where to get Lord Shree Krishna? How to accompany him? I wished I could also meet Lord Shree Krishna and my desire to experience 'Geeta' in my life gets fulfilled.

Then I met my Satguru Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan and found Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang. That's how I found my Lord Shree Krishna for the Chariot of my life and my Satguru made me Arjun in the truest sense.

My selfless Guru, “Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan “became the answers to all the questions of my life. I was 23 years old when Dadi Bhagwan came in my life. Being with her, my experience of her austerity became a sacred scripture by itself. Today, feeling the presence of my Satguru within myself, within my heart, taking forward the Vachan "beautify my world" uttered by her, penning down the experience of 39 years, in my age of 62 years, I am going to present a small gift for my children (devotees) from all over the world - 'my love'. Accept my “book of Love” not just as a book but affection of my heart. Those who will keep these Vachans in their heart will surely be fortunate enough to get the blessings of my Satguru's austerity. Their darkened life will get enlightened; their displeased fate will get embellished.

I want to share with you the meaning of Lord Shree Krishna's sacred 'Geeta' which I was made to experience with ease by my Satguru.

This is my, Dimaa’s voice of motherly affection. In your world where everyone is facing storms of happiness and sorrow, no one is able to find the right path in today’s society. During this difficult time, my Satguru Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan has been embodied on this earth and has delivered the message of peace in an easy language for the children (people) surrounded with problems.

My Satguru's Vachans are not only in an easy language, but also the most special and important thing about them is that pearl like divine words uttered by her austere mouth goes straight into our heart, to every nerve of our body. We, her children, do not ourselves follow her Vachans, but her austere Vachans follow us and correct our ideals, teach us to walk on the righteous path. Imbalanced life gets balanced by her Vachans. With her Vachans, broken relationships are mended, the heavy flow of vices reaches its coast, and vices turn into ornaments beautifying life. Man has lost everything in this world. Even after getting everything in this world, one loses it. He distances himself from God. Eventually there is no hope left to find God.

During this phase, coming to my Satguru’s ‘Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang’, person finds his lost spiritual rights back. You start living a life which is composed, satisfied, regaining the senses and passion and also, with God.

I have got such a life, and I am living it. In such a situation, I, Dimaa Bhagwan feel affection for my children to save them from troubles and thus the world will get a new life. Shall, the world which is scorching in the fire of hatred be blessed with love, with pacification, with new paths.
“May the entire world, be blessed with my Satguru’s blessings.”

My heart is filled with love for every being on the earth that everyone should always be with God so that neither thunder nor storm can harm them. We wish everyone in this world, every child, since childhood, gets enlightened with truth so that they can be saved from wandering. But how it is possible for someone to connect with God unless they know who God is.; neither the person has knowledge of his own identity, that who am I? Where I have come from? What am I supposed do? Where am I supposed to go? What are my duties towards myself, towards the world, towards the God? What is my religion? What should be my deeds?

No matter how busy a man is with his routine, somewhere or other such questions definitely arise in everyone's life. May be, someone never paid attention to what is going on inside, being smug with one's life, now give little attention to your inner self, think inwards, you still hold all these questions within yourself and also you have the answers to these questions.

But you have to think about some of the teachings of Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, have to pay some attention to my voice and then you will acquire the knowledge about your own identity as well as God’s identity.
Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru

God is an energy that can't be seen but can be felt. That energy is indestructible. It cannot be vanished or stolen. That energy is forever, it has been, it is, and it will be there always. This energy protects the unborn baby in the womb, gives birth, blesses with life, also aids at the time of death. It stands by your side during your tough times. It keeps you happy by bringing happiness. It makes you progress and touch the sky. Whenever you fall, it never lets you down but catches you in its lap. Feeling this energy is God itself, this in itself is attaining God. To stand firm with this energy, become stable, getting submerged in it, is to attain God.

How is God?

God has no form, no color and no shape. He is formless. God is not visible by the eyes of your body, but he is visible through the inner eyes, ' तीजा नेत्र ' i.e., the third eye. When a true, desire-less and selfless Satguru comes in your life, his selfless love becomes a boon for you to sail through the hardships of life. Your mind turns inwards, with the opening of ' तीजा नेत्र ' i.e., the third eye, you feel glance of God in every person, everything and everywhere. Your vision calls out,

"है ही भगवान, है ही ब्रह्म",

"God is omnipresent, God is everywhere”.

'तीजा नेत्र' i.e., the third eye: In Hinduism, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows, representing the enlightenment one achieves. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness.

Where does God live? Why can’t we see him?

God resides in your own heart, in every nerve of yours, in every drop of your blood, in every breath you take. Whose divine brightness is in our eyes? From one and the same light, the entire universe came into existence. As far as your eyes can see, do feel the divine power of God. God is omnipresent. Feel the presence of God even in empty space. An unseen power will always be there with you as God, it will protect you by being your armor. This is a blessing of Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang.

Does God love us? Can we meet him?

At the beginning of creation, the formless divine power was alone and vacant. That divine power felt an exaltation, a strong desire, an auspicious desire to have someone whom he can love, upon whom he can shower his motherly affection, and that's how the same divine power had spread into many beings.

" नाम कोई भी लीजिए ईश्वर तो है एक "

"God is a unique divine energy, irrespective of the name"

That divine power became an ocean of affection and parity. “One scattered into many”, it became many from one. From the form of a seed, it became a tree. That power in the form of a seed is nothing but love. You are also a form of that same divine power.

Who can introduce us to our God?
Where do we find him, how to find him?

Just as you are a part of your father, in the same way you are a form of God too.
In a fair, if you leave father’s finger from your hand, then you get separated from him. Similarly, even after being a form of God himself, you have got separated from him. On finding an identity, you meet your father.
In the same way, when a true Satguru comes in your life, he gives you your identity that you are a form of God’s divine power. You are none other than God himself. God created living beings for the beauty of nature, but being in Jeev Bhav you forgot God. In the fair of world, living being have got wandered away from God. When you meet a true, Vairagi, ascetic Satguru, the one who knows spiritual knowledge completely, then you get united with God and feel God's love.

  Jeev bhav: “Jeev Bhav” means the feeling that you are just a human body. Emotions of a being which wander self away from God
  Vairagi: one who practices Vairagya

Vairagya is a sweet blessing, which is acquired from a true selfless Satguru. Everyone in the world is afraid of the word Vairagya. It is being misunderstood that in Vairagya, one has to go to the forest, leave home and children, wear a specific-colored garment, live in hunger and thirst, practice ascetism by chanting God's name for the whole day, but this is not Vairagya. True and successful Vairagya is that you do not consider yourself a body, know yourself as a form of God. With the help of spiritual knowledge, learn that a true soul is the ultimate truth while the untrue body is mortal. Always think of the world as something that is changeable and will keep on changing, whereas always consider that it is only the divine power that remains stable. A stable mind is nothing but God, an unstable mind is the world. The stability of mind that is achieved with Vairagya and spiritual knowledge gives us true happiness. Vairagya teaches a lot of values like maintaining family relationships, saving relationships from being broken, staying calm, being satisfied, being patient, to feel content with one’s own destiny, loving everyone as well as staying away from hatred. We thus unite with God.


Any person cannot walk on the path of truth, until he has firm belief in his destiny. It is very important to believe in destiny. Who doesn’t get anything from God? Is there anyone who is starving? God gives everyone, to all the creatures, to birds, to animals, even to a small ant, to all plants and trees, that is why they are alive. God gives human beings too, they definitely get, but human needs keep on increasing every day, every time. He wants more than what he gets, not only he wants more but even quickly. He wants something new too. Then he keeps someone in his mind and wants something that the person has. He even wishes that the other person should never get what he got. He wants the most precious thing. All these thoughts keep running and bothering him. Think about this storm of hatred that prevails in society today; because these thoughts make human unhappy. Human beings cannot give love to each other, they can't share love, the game of wants and intense desires is going on in the whole world, but the sea of love has been dried up because these thoughts keep running in mind, there is no faith left in God. In reverence, keeping aside your laziness and desire to get praised, if you are able to become hard-working, to keep your mind void of thoughts, then power of your mind will keep on increasing day by day, every day.

Taking shelter under "Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang", if you always keep your mind clean, then your divine power will increase. You will start believing in "Mother Nature", you will get the strength to face any storm; you can fight with every tough situation bravely. With the language of love, with the feeling of love, you can bring to earth as much immense love as Holy River Ganga, which is most needed today.

"Only Love, love and love is needed."

True charity is the donation of knowledge, the donation of spiritual knowledge that never falls short of. Only a true Satguru can give this donation which you can get easily at Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang. The donation that gives you satisfaction is the best donation. The donation of spiritual knowledge is life giver, liberates from the fear of death and removes all conflicts. The donation of spiritual knowledge always satisfies you.

The creation of Mother Nature is like this:
The power of God called Bramha had spread and the whole universe formed. The five elements got scattered in the form of matter.
The power of God itself, the power of love, got derived into the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Except these God's elements, there is nothing in this universe. Any living or non-living object, animal, deity, demon or human, everything is the game of five elements. Even the human body is a cage of five elements. One takes birth with five elements, then upon death, five elements of body get dissolved into five elements of nature.

1. Skin of body is the Earth Element
2. Voice of the body that we cannot touch is the Space Element
3. Liquid in body (fluid) is the Water Element
4. Breath of body is the Air Element
5. Jathra agni (Digestive fire) of body that digests food and makes blood is the Fire Element

Three Gunnas i.e., Qualities of Nature: Sato Gunn, Rajo Gunn, Tamo Gunn
Characteristics of Gunnas:
Sato Gunn: Satisfaction, Patience, Compassion.
Rajo Gunn: Impatience, with stormy feelings, friskiness, causing ruckus.
Tamo Gunn: Laziness, Despair

     The cycle of the world runs through five elements of Mother Nature. The Three Gunnas runs those Five Elements. When you pay attention to everything in the world you realize, nothing acts monotonously, may it be your body or any inanimate object or Mother Nature itself. All these are variable, they keep on interchanging.
The state of everything in the world keeps on changing. Even your body takes birth, then experiences childhood, later youth and then comes old age and finally attains the state of death.

    Even if you observe an inanimate object, today it is new, then its newness starts depreciating slowly, and then it gets old, even it breaks. Its remains can be used to create the new one. Take a glance of trees and plants, pay attention to any object of the world, everything is changeable, everything acts according to the three Gunnas. Any human, inanimate object or Nature itself cannot stay in one particular Gunn, because according to the creation everyone has to follow the three Gunnas, its one’s moral duty to change. May it be sorrow- happiness, respect-disrespect, profit-loss, poverty- prosperity, union-separation, birth-death, the three Gunnas are present in all of them, and all of them keep on changing. Every object of the world keeps on experiencing change of Gunnas in itself, from one Gunn to another Gunn. They cannot stay stable. But human thinks that the things he likes should stay as it is, forever. Like my good times, my favorite objects, my youth. All the things that are under the influence of the three Gunnas will never come under one Gunn. You have to identify and cultivate the habit of three Gunnas, only then we can change this ocean of world from the ocean of sentiments to the ocean of love.

"बेड़ा पार लगाने वाल्ला श्री शारदा शरणम् सत्संग"

"Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang is the one who gets me sail through the hardships of life"

     Karma is of three types: Pralabdha Karma, Kriyeman Karma, Sanchita Karma. From Pralabdha Karma i.e., predestined actions, someone took birth at someone’s place or somebody got married. But where did this destiny come from? Who made your destiny? Has God made your destiny? No, this is your own cultivation of Karma.

    With “destiny”, you take birth, and then you are entrapped in Kriyeman karmas i.e., present actions that are being done. The karmas which you do during this lifetime and get the fruits in this lifetime itself are called as Kriyeman karma, or the fruits of Kriyeman Karmas. The karma which you do during this lifetime, but sometimes due to the reason of leaving body (death), you don’t get the fruits i.e., bear the results of your actions, it means that if you don’t get the rewards or punishments of karma in this life, then those becomes your “Sanchita Karma” i.e., collection of fruits of actions, these Karmas remain accumulated. Again, from these Sanchita Karmas, your destiny i.e., Pralabdha is made. It means according to your karmas; you take another birth. This wheel of Mother Nature goes on moving by itself. God is flawless super being. You are responsible for your own karmas. This consecution of karmas goes on for many births and lifetimes. When you find a Brahmgyani (one who has attained divine knowledge), desire-less and selfless Guru then you will be rescued from this cultivation of karmas. When the fire of knowledge lights, then all the karmas get destroyed. You get such an armor of Satguru, that sorrow-happiness, respect-disrespect, poverty-prosperity and union-separation none of such dualities can even touch you. You get the right to spiritual knowledge. You get freed from this cycle of birth and death.

Karma: Karma is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because they caused it with their actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.

Monistic Devotion (Advait Bhakti) Dualistic Devotion (Dvait Bhakti)
• To see God as one. • To divide God in two.
• God and I are one and the same. • God and I are separate.
• To prove existence of only one power. • To prove existence of more than one power.
• Satguru lights a lamp (diya) of knowledge within us, Satguru puts in, the oil of Vairagya, makes the wick of determination, that you are not a body you are a soul, the spark which Satguru gives to the lamp is that of spiritual love. The flame of love within you lightens in such a way that a person completely gets immersed in this Monistic Devotion. Such a light rises up in your heart, which brightens the world, the Universe. • Beautiful lamps (diyas) are lighted and lined up, beautiful wicks and pure oil are used for burning the lamps, lighted with a spark of fire, brightness of light causes shining from outside whereas there is a complete darkness under that lamp. Even there is darkness in the heart. Vairagya, selfless love, spiritual love is not present.
• These people feel God within themselves, inside them, and they find God.(attain oneness) • These people feel God is outside them and they keep on searching, they never find God. (Cannot attain oneness).
• After finding God within oneself, person remains satisfied. • By not finding God, person remains dissatisfied.
• After realizing that God and I are one and the same, person becomes God himself. • Such person can never become God.
• After feeling this, person feels God within himself and thus become vice-less i.e., one without the five vices. • The person feels God as separate; neither he is able to fulfill his search nor is he able to overcome his vices.
• Positive thoughts arise in the mind. • Negative thoughts arise in the mind.
• He becomes desire-less and enmity-less. Mind power and divine power increases. • He gets stuck in his desires and vices. The divine power cannot increase.
• The search for God ends successfully. • The search for God never ends.
• By always staying in touch with God, they live an ideal life. • They feel God as separate, so they cannot live an ideal life; they are not able to come out of dualism.
• They remain unaffected by sorrow-happiness, respect- disrespect, poverty-prosperity, and union-separation. • They get affected by sorrow- happiness, respect-disrespect and poverty-prosperity and union- separation.
• Person remains stable. • Person cannot remain stable.

 Vairāgya: Vairagya is dispassion, detachment, or renunciation, in particular renunciation from the pains and pleasures in the temporary material world. True vairāgya refers to an internal state of mind rather than to external lifestyle and can be practiced equally well by one engaged in family life and career as it can be by a person performing renunciation.

    Salvation means liberation. Liberation is of two types. One is Deh Mukti (liberation while being in the body i.e., while living) and the other is Videh Mukti (liberation after death). Deh Mukti is life liberation, attained during one’s lifetime while Videh Mukti is the desire for liberation after leaving the body.

    While being alive and residing within the body, when you feel salvation then that becomes ‘life liberation’ for you. You can enjoy liberation while you are alive.

    “True Satguru” and “Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang”, gives you the happiness of life liberation. Hence your life becomes natural and easy, even after the existence of every type of bond; you never feel any kind of bond within yourself. Even after fulfilling all duties, you never feel tired because “Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang” helps you to do your first and foremost duty to ‘find God within yourself’. With the influence of true Satguru, you keep a desire for understanding everything and holding these virtues in your life. With the influence of Satguru, one gets power to do so. This is called the True liberation, which teaches how to live in life, unites you with God during the lifespan itself, by removing all dualities.

    Every person thinks that he has sacrificed in his life; even it seems to be true. However, the point to think and understand is that, is the person for whom you sacrifice, rewarded with the fruits of your sacrifices? Does he find happiness? Does he find peace? Does he find satisfaction? Maybe he doesn’t find anything. Your sacrifice for someone else may cost you something but it may not benefit the other person. What kind of sacrifice is this? In the world, you became the scapegoat but got nothing. But observe how the sacrifice is made by my beloved Satguru Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan that she handled her family, personal and social life yet inspired everyone who appeared before her to walk on the path of truth thus making them happy.

    This is the True Sacrifice which makes one content and even others happy, gives everlasting happiness.

"राजा भी दुखिया, प्रजा भी दुखिया, दुखिया सारा संसार, सोई सुखिया जिस नाम आधार"
"The King is sad, and so are the people. The whole world is sad. Happy is the one who takes God's support."

After all, why is everyone sad? Even after getting everything why person is not happy?
After all, why every person wants something new every day? New Relations, new things, new conversations, new objects. After all why at every turn of life, person wants something new?
From where everything new will come? If new things come then where will old things go? With the desire of new relationships, what to do with the prior responsibilities? Isn't human life getting destroyed in the search of newness? After all when will this search end? When will this search get completed?

At Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, this quest of man ends by meeting Satguru. With the help of Satguru's ascetic life, holy vachans and selfless love, every single person's quest ends. The wandering life finds its destination and gets true satisfaction. With the Vachans of Satguru, every person comes to know that satiety is not in new substances or individuals but in the love of Satguru. There is no craving for something more or new with the compassion of Satguru, nor is there any feeling of lacking of any substances. Satisfaction is found with Satguru’s Vachans and everyone's life rejoices.

"जो नज़र देख लेती है तुझको, वो नज़र फिर तरसती नहीं है"
“Once eyes get your glance, then those eyes stops yearning”
By attaining Satiety, we attain true salvation.

The battle between good and bad thoughts is nothing less than the battle of Mahabharata.
In Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, Satguru explained, that your “Jeev Bhav” i.e., the feeling that you are just a human body is your Kaurava (from Mahabharata), while the noble thoughts which you receive from Satsang are your today's Pandavas (from Mahabharata). With Satguru's Vachans, i.e., spiritual words along with love, your Jeev Bhav ignites and Bhrahm bhav is realized.

We see God in every living and non-living thing, we learn to get satisfied in God’s will and we begin to have irrevocable faith in destiny. Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang teaches us that in any circumstances, use the language of love, path of love and tone of love. Also, it teaches us to maintain relationships with love, to mend rather than to break and to wakeup rather than to run from difficult situations. Adjustments are better than losing love. We believe that we make every war, a love war with the help of love. Feel God within yourself and also in everyone and everything around you, then the sound of the flute of love would be heard in the whole world.

" सूखे चने चबाऐंगे पर एको ब्रह्म लखाएंगे"
We'll face any tough circumstance, but never stop praising your name my Lord

Jeev bhav: The feeling that you are just a human body. Emotions of a being which wander self away from God.
Bhrahm bhav: The feeling that I am not at all separate from God. There is nothing in the world except God.
Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru

Let God sit as a charioteer on the chariot of life.

“करन करावण आपे आप, मानख के कुछ नाहीं हाथ”
“Lord himself is the doer. Nothing is in the hands of human”

Thoughts like "I should do" or "I should not do", both are against one’s moral duties. Staying in Sakshi Bhav and being the one without any grief is your moral duty.

1. Knowing the essence: Understanding Mother Nature’s essence i.e., its five elements which are ‘earth, space, water, air and fire’ and the three gunnas i.e., qualities Rajo, Sato and Tamo means knowing the essence. Everything is working on its own. When you know yourself by your own name and consider yourself body, you are propelling and exhausting yourself. It is a person’s ego that he thinks he is the doer. Connect your own human-nature to almighty’s nature, and then you will neither get propelled nor exhausted. Rather the reality will be felt that everything is actually working on its own. See the glimpse of god in each and every particle. Knowing this immerse your inner-self in Mother Nature.

2. Gyaan yog: There are three stages of life; childhood, youth and old age. Birth & death are the moral duties of the body. When we identify the relationship between Prakriti i.e., nature and Purusha i.e., being’s consciousness, then we realize the essence of the truth that
“I am not a body; I am a soul”

Stages of body keeps on changing but I don’t change. I am eternal, immortal, and indestructible, I am always attentive, I am a form of truth, consciousness and bliss and I am a form of God. Separate the body from self, as this spiritual determination can’t be realized by senses. It is beyond imagination. By listening vachan from Satguru in Satsang, we can practice āṭhõ pahar samadhi i.e., spiritual meditation for the whole day. We will feel that an effortless chanting is going on within us as well as we will start experiencing continuous meditation in the midst of day-to-day work and realize that we are practicing “sahaj yog”. Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang tells the path of “sahaj yog”, which includes all other yogs, following which causes the awakening of the sense of equality which in turn gives rise to the feeling of beautifying the whole world and thus flourishes life.

3. Nishkaam Karma Yog i.e., The Yog of Selfless or Desire-less Action: The whole nature works on its own. There is presence and power of God solely. who can say I am the doer? Everything is happening on its own. After knowing this secret, mind will become spiritually determined. In this situation whichever karmas happen, happens without the sense of ‘I-am-the-doer’. If nature wants to get something done, then it will definitely be accomplished. Karma doesn’t have to be given up, but one stops worrying about it. When ‘I’ do not exist, then the sense of ‘I-am-the-doer’ is absent. When Satguru sits on the throne of heart, then all the senses become similar to that of a tortoise. They know how to retract and protract. Practicing sakshi bhav makes Nishkaam i.e., desire-less karma possible. You do not get rid of karma but get rid of bondage of karma. This in itself is Nishkaam karma.
“I am not the body; I am the soul”. With this determination you will neither feel intense attachment to karma nor would you be lazy because you experience a feeling of deep love with the Satguru who made you determined. Once Satsang enters your life, then laziness no longer exists. Neither laziness, nor attachment remains, both got seized by Satguru. The karma that is done leaving behind laziness and attachment is Nishkaam karma.

Aṭhõ pahar samadhi: āṭhõ pahar literally "eight pahars"; a पहर (pahar) is a watch that is 3 hours long. So, eight times three makes twenty-four. So atho pahar stands for 24 hours i.e., all day. Samadhi means meditation. Thus, āṭhõ pahar Samadhi means meditating for the whole day.
Gyaan Yoga: Gyaan means knowledge. Gyaan Yoga is the path where reality is discovered through insight, practice and spiritual knowledge.
Karma: Karma is a word meaning the actions as well as the result of a person's actions. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because they caused it with their actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.
Sakshi Bhav: Feeling of witnessing the world with pure awareness without getting affected or involved.
Yog: Yoga/Yog is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. With the body, with the mind, with the intellect, even merely with the senses, the Yogis perform action toward self-purification and attaining God, having abandoned attachment. He who is disciplined in Yog, having abandoned the fruit of action, attains steady peace.
Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru
Sahaj Yog: Sahaj yog means practicing yog with purity and simplicity. One who practices Sahaj Yog feels God while performing any karma, even during basic karmas like walking, eating, drinking, etc. He has the realization of fact that presence and power is only of God. I am not the doer. All senses are performing their required tasks. I am separate from them, I am in Sakshi Bhav. To practice a state of self-realization and attain spiritual knowledge, one must practice Sahaj yog.

Gyaan Yog and Karma Yog are not distinct, but complementary to each other. When you seek Satguru's shelter, jeev bhav comes to an end and the feeling of spirituality takes birth. You were the form of God in all the ‘Char Kharn’ but you still never found stability. Satguru vanished the difference between creature and the creator, thus an eternal flame got illuminated. Whether you agree or not, you are that divine power. As far as my eyes can see, as far as the world has spread, everything is a form of me. I am the formless one, the whole world is my embodied form. Whole Nature originated from me, and is working on its own. Justice is a characteristic of Mother Nature. To be on time is its quality, patience is its ornament and it’s inexhaustible. It has no beginning or end. It’s nectarous, it’s spectacular, it’s extremely beautiful and it’s full of motherly affection. If one doesn’t renounce the dirty wrap of Jeev Bhav, if one doesn't give up thievery and wickedness, if even after many of her indications one doesn’t realize the truth, if one doesn’t stay in the truth, Mother Nature is the donor of punishment too. In this manner, Gyaan yog is proved after realizing the truth.

The one whose birth is divine; his karma would also be divine. After obtaining such a determination from Satguru, a jigyasu becomes void from inside-out. In that situation, one is not the doer but the pace of the body is according to the essence of Mother Nature. For a jigyasu, desire-less karma, are those which are inspired by Satguru’s speech. And that karma becomes his devotional offering for life, with which all senses remain satisfied and asset of life keep growing.

With feelings arise Gyaan yog and with life arises karma yog, both complement each other. This is what Lord Shree Krishna has told to identify the true essence of the division of gunnas i.e., qualities and karmas, that the gunnas are interacting mutually in a playful state.

Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang shows you the way of becoming non-doer and void. Your energy to perform actions increases tremendously.

Char Kharn: The four forms of birth: Andaj, Jeraj, Setaj and Utbhaj explained in Shree Sharda Sharnam Shastra Saar’s Chapter ‘Vedant Saar’
Gyaan Yoga: Gyaan Yoga is the spiritual path where reality is discovered through insight, practice and knowledge
Jeev Bhav: “Jeev Bhav” means the feeling that you are just a human body. Emotions of a being which wander self away from God
Jigyasu: The devotee who wishes to know the real form of God is known as Jigyasu
Karma yoga: Karma yoga is the spiritual path of dedicated work. Renouncing the results of our actions as a spiritual offering rather than hoarding the results for ourselves.
Karma: Karma is a word meaning the actions as well as the result of a person's actions. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because they caused it with their actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.

Spiritual knowledge is prevailing since ages and will last forever, otherwise how would the creation survive? However, the difference is seen when the divine knowledge flows from Satguru, then the world shines brighter, world gets beautiful. Person stays strong if along with attaining spiritual knowledge, he also follows the virtues of enthusiasm and zeal in his life. When Satguru of the current era protects us with the cover of spiritual determination, truth and simplicity, then we are saved from wandering. If a Satguru is as truthful as Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan, then spiritual knowledge will last forever, the true color of the devotion of her devotees will spread in the whole world. There will be no end to the story of truth that you are the form of bliss, the form of creator, you are indestructible, flawless, eternal, immortal, you are always attentive but you are not a body.

According to scriptures, everything from breathing to performing routine chores (Niyamit Karma) is called Karma.

The sins which are committed by mistake are called Vikarma. Sacrificing the Karma including scriptures, due to ignorance or laziness is called as Akarma.

Routine chores (Niyamit Karma) like bathing etc. are actions that happen naturally. If I believe that 'I am the doer', even the smallest action becomes Karma. Believing that events happen on their own, nature is working on its own, senses are also a part of nature, everything is propelling, if I am not the doer, then even Karma becomes Kriya(actions).

One keeps thinking about Karma, Vikarma, Akarma, keeps counting them, keeps doing them, keeps quitting them and then himself gets compelled to do them again. Right thing is, wherever you are, as you are, one must attain Sakshi Bhav.

“Gyaan bhaya toh karam naash”
“Gain of spiritual wisdom leads to destruction of Karmas”

Knowing the glory of God, identify yourself, only this is the best of all yagya. Shree Sharnam Satsang makes you perform this best yagya with ease.

Karma: Karma is a word meaning the actions as well as the result of a person's actions. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because he caused it with his actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.
Yagya: Yajna or Yagya (Sanskrit: यज्ञ) literally means "sacrifice, devotion, worship, offering"
Sakshi Bhav: Feeling of witnessing the world with pure awareness without getting affected or involved.
Renunciation of actions is practically impossible but renunciation from the feeling of being the doer of our deeds might happen. When the secret is known that everything is happening by the power and presence of Almighty Lord then this is the true renunciation.

Renunciation is the end of all doubts, that I am not a body. Only God exists. No one else but only God exists. When the feeling of being separated from God erases, then all Karmas get destroyed.
Hence, it is said that
“पाया कहे सो मसकरा, खोया कहे सो कूड़ (झूठ) । लेकिन ज्ञानी ज्यों का त्यों भरपूर“
"The one who says I have found, is joking,
The one who says I have lost it, is lying.
Gyaani is satiate as always"
(As Gyaani realizes that there is nothing like found or lost,
God is present abundantly in everything)
"ना कुछ पाया ना कुछ खोया, संशय मूल चुकाया"

"Nothing was found or lost, cleared all the doubts regarding the ultimate facts (of nature)”

Realized that God is the doer and the one who lends us energy to perform our tasks. Prove his presence and power. The meaning of salvation is liberation. As long as 'you' do anything, how is it possible for you to attain salvation? Even if you perform renunciation, then also you have the bond of renunciation, then how would you attain salvation? If you do karma, then too you are bonded by that karma, then how would you attain salvation? Neither renunciation nor indulgence, separate your mind from both of them. Adapt yourselves to nature's five elements and three Gunas, practice Sakshi Bhav. With help of Satguru's Vachans i.e., spiritual words, recognize your desires and with Satguru’s deep love, rescue yourself from the bonds of Karma and renunciation and thus attain salvation while living. Learn to enjoy your present. Seek the happiness that stays forever. The real happiness is the one which is away from one’s senses, without the senses, and that happiness is the one which you get within yourself. Getting such happiness, you overcome from all the dualities This is what Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang teaches.

Karma: Karma is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because they caused it with their actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.
Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru
Sakshi Bhav: Feeling of witnessing the world with pure awareness without getting affected or involved.

Truthful, ingenious Guru, when comes into one’s life, then yog, renunciation, meditation, deliverance of one’s own soul, friendship with one’s own soul, subduing the senses, vision of equality, being temperate, state of salvation, with Satguru's divine blessings everything becomes easy. The meaning and importance of true Vairagya i.e., asceticism is understood.

According to "Shree Sharada Dadi Bhagwan", first we reach our destination, then the paths are determined. Hence, there is no fear about, what if we do not get succeeded in yog? Our mind becomes fearless.

"हमें रास्तों की ज़रुरत नही है, हमे सतगुरु के चरणों के निशान मिल गए है"
"We don't need paths, we have found Satguru's footprints"

Get merged in Satguru's Presence, Power and Motherly affection, then there will be no work left for the next life.
Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, from today onwards, progresses you towards present goal. Effort is your biggest deity. The most beautiful effort is to "be still" i.e., being emotionally stable. With such goal, "I am not a body, I am a form of God" you attain the state of salvation, you attain state of being temperate, your mind becomes stable. You adopt vision of equality. After attaining this state, your mind does not get unstable. This in itself is the yog, to meet and become united with God. The mind disrupts yog, but in Shree Sharada Sharnam Satsang the mind gets dissolved. Satguru steals your mind, therefore yog becomes easy and the mind becomes attuned to the divine and we become beloved of the divine.

This is the blessing of Shree Sharada Sharnam Satsang.

Yog : Yoga/Yog is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. With the body, with the mind, with the intellect, even merely with the senses, the Yogis perform action toward self-purification, having abandoned attachment. He who is disciplined in Yog, having abandoned the fruit of action, attains steady peace.
Four types of devotees worship the lord.
1. The one who worships God for worldly things is known as ARTHARTHI.
2. The one who worships God for distress redressal is known as AARTHI.
3. Those desiring to know God realistically are said to be JIGYASU.
4. The devotee who is always single mindedly concentrated in God and have unique love for God is called GYAANI.
A Gyaani is an excellent devotee. He himself is the form of God.

No matter a person is of which kind, but a true and sweet Satguru will make him a Jigyasu. This is Satguru's "tradition of love". After getting Satguru’s beautiful sight; our mind becomes pure and calm. Nature, whether living or non-living, originates through you. Everything is God. There is voice of God in everyone’s heart. God does everything and he brings rise of waves of divinity in everyone. That ‘God’ is not far away, that ‘God’ is you, yourself. In this way, the reason behind the origin and annihilation of universe is God himself. After joining Shree Sharnam Satsang, each devotee considers himself exceptional. With Satguru’s love, devotee feels the divine power within himself and then this spiritual knowledge is acquired very easily and effortlessly by him, and he comes to know the truth that ‘The one I am searching for, is me myself’. Lord Shree Krishna’s “I am the one” is understood.

Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan assures you of God and gives you treasure of all the happiness.
When we get identification of the path of spirituality from Satguru, then we feel the form of God in every living or non-living thing. We start loving all living and non-living things. ’I’ myself am such a spirituality. I am the one who is aligned from inner and outer self, I am consistent, I am in my solitude, I know my beginning & my end, I am always in Sakshi Bhav. I am a form of God. The world has originated from me. I consider that this cage (i.e., body) which is made up of five elements, is the one who is bonded with karma, but 'I' am distinct from it. The inspiration that is obtained from Satguru’s ideals, I am that karma. Five elements & three gunnas i.e., qualities also originated from me, it’s my game and I am the one playing it. I am the reason behind this game of universe. I am that wonderful being who always remains consistent. What is about to happen will happen, untoward should not happen. Everything is happening because of one’s karma. The whole nature is the temple of justice. I myself am that monism.

Sakshi Bhav: Feeling of witnessing the world with pure awareness without getting affected or involved.
Karma: Karma is a word meaning the actions as well as the result of a person's actions. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because he caused it with his actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.

When you get even a little bit emotionally attached to Satguru's beloved image and Vachans, then there is no lack of reverence left, blind reverence is felt. With that reverence, we see God's divine colossal form. Such a divine colossal form vanishes all the differences between familiar-unfamiliar, thief-wicked, those who love or hate, praise - insult, poverty - prosperity, Guru and disciple, that of God and devotee, union-separation and of Gyaani and Agyaani. Only one divine power dwells. I am omnipresent. The whole universe is a massive part of my own. Be it Brahmin or Kshatriya, God or demon, morality or immorality, there is only one vision given by Param Pujya Satguru Dadi Bhagwan that
"है ही भगवान है ही भगवान"   "God is present in each and every person"

In Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang dualities get eliminated, connecting you with the divine power. Devotion will become fruitful, after all dualities get eliminated. Every happiness will come your way after you bow to the divine being, and there will be equal- vision for everyone after joining Satsang.

 Gyaani: The devotee who is always determined for God with single-mindedness and with unique love for God is called as Gyaani
 Agyaani: its antonym of Gyaani
 Brahmin: Brahmin a part of the caste system in Hinduism. In ancient India people who read the complete Upanishad Brahmanak were called Brahmins. They guided others toward enlightenment.
 Kshatriya: a member of the second of the four main Hindu castes, the warrior caste.
 Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru
From many lifetimes, the dust of Deh Adhyasa was on the mind. Everyone suggested to clean mirror-like mind which is covered with dust, but who would do this work?

At Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, Param Pujya Satguru Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwaan didn't ask to do it but she did it herself. When she did? How she did? Didn't come to know. Silently she gave a positive turn to the fickle mind and did not even let us know. She poured a drop of her own austerity in the mind of disciple and made the being ‘Brahma’ i.e. God. Otherwise in today’s era, what do we know about austerity? How is it?

Satguru introduced my beloved God (Rama) within me, and simultaneously made everyone thorough of the fact that you are not the one what you were assuming yourself to be, till today. Now, I've found the pure pride of “it is only me”. Only you, have made us realize the powers within living and non-living things. You explained the secret of “it is only me” and cleaned the mirror of my mind. Thus, I saw myself everywhere and found my God Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan on my life’s chariot with me. And on every turn, every battle even the battle of moral duties changed into battle of love (fought with love). Such is my Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, who teaches divine and supernatural love, who colors you in selfless love, “My beautiful Satguru’s beautiful Darbar.”

Deh Adhyasa: Deh Adhyasa means a false superimposition of the characteristics of physical body (birth, death, skin color etc.) onto the Atman i.e., soul, and also the false superimposition of the characteristics of Atman (sentiency, existence) onto the physical body.
Darbar: The Divine Court.
At Shree Sharda Sharam Satsang, Satguru’s Vachans filled with love give rise to the divine power within us and such a divine sight is received that God's divine colossal form is visible. In every element of nature, living or non-living and in each and every particle, the presence of God is felt and it is sensed that

"घड़ी एक बिसरुं राम को तो ब्रह्म हत्या मोहे होए |"
"If I forget Lord even for a moment, then I would be guilty of committing that great sin"
With Satguru’s love we begin to realize that “I am the one present in every particle “. The Entire Creation whether living or nonliving is my form. I am the origin as well as the end, nothing is made except me. The voice of Satguru resonates in the entire creation.

"है ही भगवान है ही भगवान "
"God is omnipresent God is omnipresent"
"चल कबीरा वहाँ, जहाँ ओम भी थक जाए,
ओम ओम कहत, ओम ही रह जाए |"
"Oh Kabira, Lets go there, where even Aum gets tired of being chanted"
"Uttering Aum-Aum, May only Aum remain."

{Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan explained this Doha like this:
There is a trinity present while doing any meditation:
     1. Dhyata: The meditator
     2. Dhyan: Meditation
     3. Dhyey: Aim i.e., Subject being meditated e.g., Attaining God through chanting of Aum.
But while chanting Aum in one’s lifespan, one attains Spiritual state where trinity disappears, self-immersion happens, only Aum remains then even ‘I’ don’t exist, only God exist and nothing else. Then who will meditate and for whom to meditate.}

 Aum: Om or Aum is a sacred sound and a spiritual symbol ॐ in Indian religions. It signifies the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness or Atman.
 Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru
 Deh Adhyasa: Deh Adhyasa means a false superimposition of the characteristics of physical body (birth, death, skin color etc.) onto the Atman i.e., soul, and also the false superimposition of the characteristics of Atman (sentiency, existence) onto the physical body.
Spiritual knowledge, meditation, reverence is said to be important for attainment of the God, but spiritual knowledge, meditation and reverence comes from Satguru.

At Sharda Sharnam Satsang, Param Pujya Satguru Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan didn’t ask to do any attempts, but she resided in our heart in such a manner that neither heart nor mind remained, senses got satiated and thus in Satguru's love, we became unique and lovable.

With the Divine vision of Satguru, we got brightened in such a way that we never practiced “I am not a body, I am a form of God” but it happened on its own. When with Satguru’s love, such a simple practice happens, then one doesn't have to meditate, but meditation enters inside the being in the form of belief that God is always with me. If he is with me all along then for what to meditate? For whom to meditate? Satguru made us perform such a simple and sweet austerity that we became beloved disciples of God. Got rid of the intense attachments that resided within our mind. Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang exempted us from all the dualities of respect-disrespect, friend-enemy, cold-hot (weather), etc. Mind becomes stable and Ananya Bhakti happens i.e., we start practicing devotion for the omnipresent God without any deviation. Every form of beloved Satguru and that of God is adorable but Satguru’s divine incarnated form helps us like a ship to sail in the divine ocean of spirituality.

"सतगुरु नाम जहाज है, जो चढ़े सो उतरे पार"
"The name of Satguru is like a ship, the one who boards will definitely alight across the ocean"

Nature is made up of five elements: Earth, Space, Water, Air and Fire. After joining Satsang we realize that nature works on its own and is changeable, but I, the knower of nature, am unchangeable divine soul.

Situations, subjects, people everything keeps changing but we have to make our mind stable.

Vachan uttered by Satguru:
“सदा न संग सहेलियाँ,
सदा न काला केश,
सदा न इस जग जीवणा,
सदा न राजा देश“

“Nothing stays forever
Neither friends will stay forever,
Nor the blackness of hair,
Nothing lasts forever
Neither one’s life in this world will last forever,
Nor the rule of a king in a country.”

This sacred vachan doesn’t let one’s mind wander rather mind easily becomes stable.
According to Hindu scriptures human body is referred to as Kshetra i.e., field and the one who is knower of this body is known as kshetragya.
Five Karma Indriyan i.e., senses which help performing karma: Hands, Feet, Mouth, Anus, Genitals.
Five Gyaan Indriya i.e., senses that provide knowledge: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin
Five subjects of senses: form, sound, smell, taste, touch and mind, intellect, conscience and ego are connected with them

If one is in body, then vices keep arising. The foremost lesson of Satguru at Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang “मैं देह नहीं मैं आत्मा हूँ” i.e., “I am not a body, I am a soul” liberates being from all the vices. Here, all of the vices in human being gets converted into an adornment for him.

Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru
Karma: Karma is a word meaning the actions as well as the result of a person's actions. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because they caused it with their actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.

Mother Nature conducts within the 3 gunnas, Sato gunn, Rajo gunn and Tamo gunn.

• Sato gunn- simple, calm, patient, solemn
• Rajo gunn- enthusiastic, having aspirations, having immense infatuation, too much interested in doing work
• Tamo gunn- sleepiness, laziness, neither interested in work nor in spirituality
   Every human possesses all the three gunnas, however the influence of every gunn keeps on changing.
When the influence of Sato gunn is more in a human, he is patient and solemn.
When he has more influence of Rajo gunn then he feels infatuation and enthusiasm.
When he has more influence of Tamo gunn then he becomes lazy.
This is how the being is bonded with the three gunnas.

"सब गुण देह से लागू हैं"
"All the gunnas are applicable to a human body"

When you join Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, you attain Sakshi bhav and Aatam bhav, you become gunateet i.e., one who is beyond the three gunnas. Beyond the three gunnas, when we will focus our mind in our soul, then we will consider all the avtars, spiritual guides and prophets as divine forms and will not get stuck in their name or appearance. Thus, you will get determined that you are a soul and no gunn has been formed in you. When you will find the inner peace, all the gunnas will get pacified.

  Sakshi Bhav: Sakshi Bhav means to have an attitude of being a spectator towards the world.
  Aatam Bhav: Realizing self which is nothing but the supreme spiritual being “God”
  Avtar: An avatar is a concept in Hinduism that means "descent", is the material appearance or incarnation of a deity on earth.
The origin and end of this world cannot be found. No one knows since when its traditions have been started and how long will they last.

In scriptures, the form of the world is compared to tree of Peepal i.e., Sacred Fig. Shree Sharda Dadi Bhagwan has done its description in very simple and easy language that the root cause of all the vices of human being is his own ego and from ego grows the branches of the sense of being-the-doer, infatuation, Trishna i.e., intense desires and many other vices. With Satguru’s love we get exempted from all the vices and all our doubts are cleared. Sacred spiritual knowledge is obtained from Satguru and then human realizes the fact that there is God himself that is present in water, earth and sky. It’s God’s luster that exits in Sun, Moon and Fire. He is the one who have done world’s expansion. He is the Lord of the whole Maya. He protects us every time. He digests the food we eat and makes blood in our body. The Creator, God, the Supreme Being is the truth, eternal, endless and being the base of all, he is above all. The world, created by God’s Maya, is transient, perishable, sorrowful and changeable .By connecting with Guru, we figure out the reality, that we have to stay stable in this changeable Nature, so we should do renunciation of the concerns of the world and should only think about God, and then we start loving everyone. A person through his pride, affection and actions bears the consequences of his past deeds and creates present deeds. But after meeting with Guru, all doubts are cleared and Guru eradicates the feeling of superiority, attachment and sense of being the doer, while awakening the feeling of equality within disciple. Our vision changes and whole world appears as a form of God. Person gets free from Karmas and becomes Karmateet i.e., the one who is beyond the state of being a doer and achieves the stage where all his actions are according to God’s will.
"गुरु के मुख से नया जन्म लेता है"
"Devotee takes new birth from Guru’s Spiritual knowledge"

World cannot be abandoned but in Guru's love, ego gets abandoned.

 Maya: To get obsessed with something, some object, some thought, any circumstance or some person or your own principles is Maya. If any thought or desire gets stuck in the mind then it becomes Maya of your mind. If the mind is stuck in some ego or deed then it becomes Maya of the outside world. Getting stuck is the form of Maya. However, if mind gets obsessed with God, gets stuck in God, then that too is the beloved Maya which comes from 'Satto gunn', which unites us with God.
 Karma: Karma is a word meaning the actions as well as the result of a person's actions. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person happens because they caused it with their actions. According to Spiritual knowledge, if a person gives up the feeling of being the doer, then for him, the results are beneficial in one way or the other.
Two types of nature are found in a human being known as Divine Nature (Devi Sampada) and Demonic Nature (Asuri Sampada).

Those with Divine Nature have right to salvation. Forgiveness, patience, compassion, Mudhta i.e., getting delighted in other people's well-being, friendliness, humility, away from conceit and egoism are said to be the qualities of Divine Nature. People with such a nature practice truthful speech. To share experience of one’s determination done by his inner conscience and senses as it is with everyone using delightful words in itself is truthful speech.

Those with Demonic Nature get bonded into the bonds of Karma. Conceit, arrogancy, egoism, anger and harshness are considered to be the qualities of Demonic Nature. People with such a nature are neither themselves happy nor can make others happy, they always stay in their comfort zone. They always think that everyone else is troubling them, but in reality, they trouble others. “Live and let Live”, is not in their nature. In Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang, with Satguru’s austerity, selfless love, belief, compassionate vision and tireless hard work with each and every devotee, people with Demonic Nature become Divine Natured. By joining Satsang, every beloved devotee gets satisfied.
Satisfaction is the True Salvation.

Mother Nature conducts in three Gunnas– Sato, Rajo and Tamo. Human being too is an element of Mother Nature and his nature also happens to be influenced by these three Gunnas. Karma, Reverence, Austerity, Food and Donation, etc. are of three types.

Reverence (Shradha)
Shree sharda sharnam satsang tells that maintaining regularity in satsang, being satisfied in god’s will, always following satguru's vachans, feeling gods existence in every living and non-living thing, this is considered as saatvik reverence.
(Saatvik: influenced by Sato gunn)

Being away from Satsang, complaining about God’s will, being stubborn about one’s own opinion rather than following Guru’s Vachan, even despising living or non-living things, always being restless and being impatient is considered as Raajsi reverence.
(Raajsi – influenced by Rajo Gunn)

The one who have no faith or reverence in Guru or Satsang, considers himself as God, is said to have Taamsi Reverence.
(Taamsi – influenced by Tamo Gunn)
Food (Bhojan)
Food that suits the natural form of body is called Saatvik food. Food which does not fit with the nature of the body, but still someone eats it for the sake of taste, is called as Raajsi Food. One who starves due to laziness or overeats depending on taste of food, is called as Taamsi Food.

Austerity (Tapasya)
It has been told in Shree Sharda Sharnam Satsang that to have reverence in Vachans of Satguru, to sacrifice the desire of ‘fruit of deeds’, to speak with minimum possible words, not to speak bitterly, to handle the voice tone, to eat pure food, not to get hindered by sight of any scene, feel the presence of God in every scene, to be away from essence of listening condemnation and insidiousness through ears, chanting ‘Om’ with every breath, to put an end to negative mind (within oneself), away from any positive or negative thoughts and to realize the state of emptiness is considered as Saatvik austerity. People with Rajo and Tamo attitude are not entitled to austerity.

A person with such a nature has to adopt Saatvik gunnas to get into austerity.

Donation (Daan)
Satsang provides this education that the best donation is the donation of Spiritual Knowledge. The Spiritual Knowledge donated by Satguru blossoms everyone’s life and one remain content with satisfaction in every situation and then even Jigyasu starts sharing spiritual knowledge just like his Satguru.

Jigyasu then takes the donation of Spiritual Knowledge,
And even gives the donation of Spiritual Knowledge.
World is crazy for the one who distributes the treasure of Love.

 Jigyasu: The devotee who wishes to know the real form of God is known as Jigyasu
 Vachan: Sacred sentences uttered by Satguru
According to Scriptures, relinquishing karma is considered as renunciation. However, instead of relinquishing karma, relinquishing the fruits of karma is Renunciation in the true sense, as it is not practically possible to relinquish karma.

In scriptures, it is mentioned that Sattvik, Raajsi and Taamsi are the three categories of each of the renunciation, karma, wisdom, power of retention, spiritual knowledge, happiness, etc. Pravritti Marg and Nivritti Marg are described to be two different ways to attain God.

When Satguru comes into our life, he tells us the simple way to attain God.
Rather than explaining Sattvik, Raajsi and Taamsi types of Karma, Satguru teaches us that while doing karma be the one who is ego-less, without intense desires and malice-less. Satguru makes one realize the fact that God dwells in every Karma. There is only one unique formless energy that resides in any of the religious groups, cults, heresy, yagya, holy rituals, etc. Man achieves his goal. Spiritual bliss is achieved, which in reality is our goal. There is no need to wait for death to achieve salvation, but liberation is attained during one's lifetime.

"By achieving satisfaction from Guru, liberation is attained.
The flames of Spiritual Knowledge burn all karmas to ashes."

Happiness is also categorized as Sattvik, Raajsi and Taamsi. But with love and vachans, Satguru gives us the true happiness and then our life stops running behind in the search for happiness. We come to know the truth that “I, myself am a form of Happiness”. Satguru’s Vaani tells us that two and a half happiness exist in the world, out of which first is health then sound sleep and the remaining half consists of happiness from all the worldly pleasures and materialistic things. We get awaken from the sleep of ignorance and feel happy after achieving contentment from Guru.

Many types of confused minds get stabilized with Satguru’s love and we come to know the truth that "Lord himself is the doer as well as the one, who makes everyone perform their actions, Nothing is in the hands of human."

It is believed that speed of mind is even faster than that of the wind. Such a fast running mind gets calm and stable with Satguru’s Vachans.

Renunciation is believed to be of three types Sattvik, Raajsi and Taamsi but through Satguru’s Spiritual Knowledge we understand that

"Do we have right on anything, such as to renounce it?"

What can be renounced? Whom to renounce? Things are changeable, people are changeable and we don’t have any right over our own body. We mistakenly think that we are renouncing. At Satsang, doubts get cleared by Satguru and one gets true renunciation even while living in the world.

"One should neither abandon nor possess.
The one who says I achieved, is joking
The one who says I lost, is lying
Gyaani is satiate as always"

Dadi my God, bless me with divine vision;
Raise me from the feeling of being the physical form to being a form of God
Dadi My God, bless me with divine vision
Raise me from the feeling of being the physical form to being a form of God
Everywhere I should see you, illuminate such a lamp.

1) Dadi I will get tired of the feeling of being the physical form ,
If I be in the physical form , listen my Dadi Bhagwan;
I will not be able to withstand the gale and storm of the world;
Bless me with the liberation from the feeling of being a body;
Raise me from the feeling of being the physical form to being a form of God
Listen Dadi, my God; Listen Dimaa, my God;

2) Dadi, I never have to renounce your accompaniment,
Listen my Dadi Bhagwan;
For that, no matter how much I have to mold my mind;
Dadi Bhagwan, bless me with the power to mold myself;
Raise me from the feeling of being the physical form to being a form of God
Listen Dadi, my God; Listen Dimaa, my God

3) I promise this Dadi, that I will accompany you forever;
I make this promise; Listen, my Dadi Bhagwan;
By taking power from you, I will become your power;
May this desire be fulfilled, you make such a resolution;
Raise me from the feeling of being the physical form to being a form of God
Listen Dadi, my God; Listen Dimaa, my God;

4) Dadi, you make us perform Soul's determination;
Listen my Dadi Bhagwan,
Bless me the control over all of my senses,
Brighten my mind like the sun,
Raise me from the feeling of being the physical form to being a form of God
Listen Dadi, my God; Listen Dimaa, my God;
Dadi my God, Bless me with divine vision.......

I am worshiping Dimaa Bhagwan and Dadi Bhagwan.
Hail to Dadi Bhagwan, Hail to Dimaa Bhagwan

(1) There is a great motherly affection and great love in Dimaa Bhagwan's eyes,
There is great compassion, power and caress in Dadi Bhagwan's eyes,
Why should I not look again and again in the Dimaa Bhagwan's eyes,
Dadi Bhagwan's divine form is seen in Dimaa Bhagwan's eyes,
Listening to spiritual knowledge, I would mould my mind, love everyone, get satiated and enhance my life
I am worshiping.........

(2) Hail is always done in Shree Sharda Sharnam,

Every time there are chimes of cymbals in Shree Sharda Sharnam,
Always devotees’ call (to God) exists in Shree Sharda Sharnam
Reserves of boon are stored in Shree Sharada Sharnam,
I listen to spiritual knowledge, mould my mind, love everyone, get satiated and keep on enhancing my life.
I am worshiping.........